Cleanse Your Liver With The Help Of This Amazing Juice


The liver is a crucial part of the human body, as it is its laboratory, performing a lot of vital functions and neutralizes all harmful agents. However, its damages can seriously harm our health and cause malfunction. This article offers you a fantastic opportunity to cleanse your liver naturally and restore its full strength!

Liver Cleansing Juice- Recipe:


  • 4 mint leaves
  • 3 tablespoons linseed oil
  • 3 grapefruits
  • 6 fresh lemons
  • ginger root
  • 4 garlic bulbs
  • little cumin powder
  • 500 ml (16 oz.) water, (boiled and cooled)

Method of preparation:

Firstly, squeeze the grapefruits and lemons , and then shred the ginger and the garlic and place them all in a blender. Add some water. In order to avoid any larger pieces, strain the mixture.
Then add 500 ml (16 oz ) of water, as well as the ginger and garlic juice to this mixture in the blender, and keep adding the mint, the cumin powder and the linseed oil.
Finally, stir a bit more and your powerful juice is ready.


You can consume your liver cleansing recipe in two beneficial ways.

The first way is to consume only this juice in the during five days, consuming only liquids for the entire duration of the cleanse.

The second one is to eat fresh, raw fruits and vegetables on the first and on the fifth day in a five- day process, and consume only this liver cleansing juice on the second, third and fourth day.


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