The diet we are about to present was invented by pharmacist Sumiko and her husband Hitoshi, who lost 36 pounds. The most important thing to do is eat bananas in the morning and also to drink lukewarm water with lemon.
Also drink the lukewarm water with lemon few times during the day. You will be amazed by the results within 2 weeks.
For breakfast you can eat more than 1 fresh banana, but do not overeat. In case you cannot eat bananas, for whatever reasons, choose some other fruit.
If you are still hungry, wait for 15-20 minutes in order for hunger to go away. If you still feel hunger, eat something you like, but make sure you eat small amount of it.
Your lunch and dinner should be regular. It is recommendable not to eat after 6 p.m. There are no certain rules when it comes to lunch and dinner. This diet does not even have forbidden ingredients, but make sure you avoid fried foods and not to overeat.
The only beverage you are allowed to drink during the day is lukewarm water (in small sips). After 3 p.m. you can eat some desert, like chocolate or biscuits, even though it is recommendable to replace these snacks with fruit.
Menu example:
Breakfast: bananas, omelet, grapefruit, cup of green tea
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, big mixed salad consisted of carrots, broccoli, onion, tomato and lettuce
Snacks: low fat yogurt, handful of nuts
Dinner: chicken breasts, boiled carrots or potatoes