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Health Care Above All

The Powerful Healing Properties of Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar is more than a salad topping. Find out more about its healing properties and enjoy its benefits.

It is a sour tasting liquid made from apples, the most popular fruit. In the past apple cider vinegar had been used in the treatment of different diseases, and during the American Civil War people used it as an antiseptic.

Apple cider vinegar is rich in vitamins A, B, C and P, and minerals: fluorine, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium and iron. It also contains 13 essential amino acids.

Apples, the main ingredient, have amazing nutritive properties, and also contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, however pectin is the most important – a water soluble fiber with the ability to bind water in the digestive system and thus contribute to the feeling of satiety.

Even though apple cider vinegar is always associated with salads, it can be also used for many other purposes. You can use it diluted or simply apply it directly on the skin – apple cider vinegar is an amazing product.

Read more about its healing properties:

  • - Relieves flu symptoms
  • - Helps in treating kidney stones
  • - Regulates pH balance
  • - Helps in cases of nausea
  • - Helps in the treatment of allergies
  • - Reduces blood glucose levels and provides a lot of benefits in diabetes treatments
  • - Relieves migraine and muscle inflammation
  • - It has anti-inflammatory effect and helps in treating arthritis
  • - Helps in treating respiratory infections and sinusitis
  • - Reduces blood pressure
  • - Reduces blood cholesterol level and helps in the weight loss process
  • - It is effective in treating dandruff and scalp irritation
  • - Heals nail fungus
  • - Calms the skin after insect bites
  • - Dries viral warts