Health Care Above All
Health Care Above All

Sleeping Next To Your Mobile Is Extremely Dangerous ! Find Out Why…


Eight out of ten users of mobile phones sleep next to their gadgets during the night, and half of them use it as an alarm, showed the latest research.

Next time you will not be able to sleep at night and start thinking about tomorrow’s shopping list, some upcoming meetings or whether you have locked the door, the solution could be quite simple – take your mobile out of the room.

Eight out of ten users of mobile phones sleep next to their gadgets during the night, and half of them use it as an alarm, showed the latest research, reports

Experts are worried about the impact mobiles have on people. Keeping them so close to you makes you super-sensitive, so you will probably have troubles falling asleep. This can cause insomnia and other sleeping disorders.


Most of the people would sleep better if they do not keep any mobile phones or other gadgets in their bedroom, says dr Guy Meadows, insomnia specialist from London. He keeps his mobile in the kitchen during the night.

Besides insomnia, some say that mobiles can also cause dizziness and headache.

According to dr Charles Czeisler, the main problem associated with mobiles is their strong artificial light that affects your organism, simulating a daylight. The light stimulates the retinal cells – the area around the side of your eye, which send messages to the brain. Cells sensitive to light send your body information about the time of the day, explains dr Meadows.

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