Health Care Above All
Health Care Above All

Cinnamon And Honey – Magic Mixture That Can Heal Many Diseases


Honey and cinnamon can help in treatment of many diseases. Honey is produced all around the world, and scientists say it is an effective remedy for many different diseases. Honey can be used without any side effects.

Even though it is quite mild, if used in moderation it does not harm diabetics. We made a list of several types of diseases that can be treated with honey and cinnamon.


Heart Disease
Make a paste of honey and cinnamon and spread it on bread or pancakes instead of jam and chocolate cream. This mixture lowers cholesterol and may protect against heart attack. Regular use of honey and cinnamon strengthens the heartbeat. In America and Canada, many hospitals treat patients successfully with honey and cinnamon.

People suffering from arthritis should drink hot water with two teaspoons of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Arthritis can be cured if the drink is consumed on a daily basis.

Chronic arthritis patient were studied by the University of Copenhagen and researchers found that 73 of 200 patients were relieved from arthritis pain. And patients who could not move began to walk without pain within a month.

Problems With The Urinary Tract
If you have a problem with the bladder or urinary tract mix two teaspoons of cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey dissolved in hot water. This drink destroys the bacteria in the bladder and will make you feel better.

Mix two teaspoons of honey and three teaspoons of cinnamon in half a liter of water. This mixture lowers cholesterol by 10 percent within two hours. When used three times a day, any chronic patient suffering from cholesterol can be cured.

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