Health Care Above All

The Main Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency


Vitamin D is soluble in fats and plays an important role in many important functions of the body. It isbest known for its work with calcium in your body, helps in building and maintaining strong bones.

Vitamin D is also involved in the regulation of the immune system and cells, where it can aid in the prevention of cancer.

The main symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is probably the most important nutrient when it comes to the bones and the immune system. The adequate consumption of vitamin D will not only keep the bones and immune system healthy, but it will also prevent a number of serious medical conditions.

Vitamin D deficiency is best known for the condition that causes rahitis (brittle bones) in children, a condition in which the bone tissue is not hardened or mineralized. This condition often leads to brittle bones and skeletal deformities, and it often coincides with an increased risk of injury.

However, recent research has revealed the link between vitamin D deficiency and a number of other medical conditions.

Research suggests that vitamin D can play a role in the prevention and treatment of hypertension, diabetes type-1 and type-2, multiple sclerosis (MS) and hypertension.

We present to you the main symptoms that suggest a lack of vitamin D, which you should pay attention to.

Muscle pain and weakness

The degree of pain and muscle weakness can vary from small pain to pain that you can barely endure. At first you will almost not fell these symptoms.

If you have a vitamin D deficiency for a longer period of time, then these symptoms will become worse.

The reason is that vitamin D, when it metabolizes, it improves the muscle contraction – an essential mechanism for strengthening the bones.

Weakened immune system

When the body has low levels of vitamin D, then our immune system is in danger. High concentrations of vitamin D receptors can be found in immune cells, these cells require separate intake of vitamin D in the organism.


The hypertension (high blood pressure) is often the result from insufficient amount of vitamin D in the body. Our body formulates peptides that increase the blood pressure through the artery restrictions and water retention.

Vitamin D is used as a countermeasure, andit suppresses enzymatic reactions and wrong reactions of the organism, with which it normalizes the blood pressure levels.

Feelings of sadness / depression

Here is the link between vitamin D deficiency and feelings of sadness / depression. One particularly interesting discovery includes the correlation between seasonal affective disorder, seasonal depressive state, and variable levels of vitamin D3.

Participants reported that they significantly reduced the presence of various symptoms, including craving for food, hypersomnia, lethargy and sleep disorders.

Problems with intestines

Certain gastrointestinal disorders affect the absorption of vitamin D. Those who have celiac disease, Crohn’s disease and inflammatory bowel disease, are likely to be at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency due to these interactions.

Besides that, those with higher amounts of fat tissue are prone to vitamin D deficiency, because fat dilutes vitamins and reduces its physiological effects.

Excessive sweating

A strange addition to this list is the tendency of people to sweat more when they do not have sufficient levels of vitamin D.

Unlike many things on the list, medical experts are not quite sure why we sweat more with low levels of vitamin D.

All that is known is that there seems to be an inseparable link between low vitamin D levels and excessive sweating, especially around the forehead.

Heart  health

There is a probability of a correlation between low levels of vitamin D and cardiovascular diseases. Medical experts believe that low levels of vitamin result in higher concentrations of calcium that is build up in the arteries; the accumulation of calcium is a plaque that forms in the arteries which increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Other symptoms related to low levels of vitamin D – hypertension, type 2 diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol – It seems that vitamin D is associated with heart health.

Source of Vitamin D

Now that we have explained the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, it is time to give you the best ways of entering vitamin D in your body.

Sunbathing will definitely increase the amount of vitamin D in the body.

Orange juice is an excellent source of vitamin D.

Mushrooms, organic meat, fish, eggs and oatmeal are the foods which are excellent sources of vitamin D in your body that you can enter through a healthy diet.