The Medicine is Powerless: 2 Million People Will Suffer From This Disease By 2015!


It is difficult to discover the infection of this disease in children, because adults and children show different symptoms.

Annually, about 32 000 children will be diagnosed with drug-resistant tuberculosis – shows the latest report of the American scientists who provided detailed information about the dangerous TB forms that can not be easily cured.

About a million of children throughout the world will be diagnosed with tuberculosis, which is twice as much as previously thought.

“A large number of children unnecessarily suffer and die of TB”, said Helen Jenkins from the Boston Hospital that conducted the research.

“Despite the fact that children make up about a quarter of the world’s population, until this moment we had no precise number of children suffering from drug-resistant TB forms”, said Ted Cohen who was also part of the research.

The infection of tuberculosis can not be easily diagnosed in children since it manifests different symptoms compared to adults. This disease is caused by the bacteria that attack the lungs, usually spread through physical contact – coughing of an infected person.

“In children, the disease is likely to affect other body parts, it does not necessarily mean that it will hit the lungs”, added Jenkins. Even when the disease would spread to the lungs, it could still stay “hidden”, because the current diagnostic methods sometimes can not detect it.

World Health Organisation estimates that in 2012, TB was diagnosed in 8.6 million people, and it caused 1.2 million deaths last year.

According to WHO, in 2012 about half a million people were diagnosed with drug-resistant tuberculosis, and the results of the research show that by 2015 the number of infected could rise up to 2 million people.

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