Health Care Above All

Hormone Yoga – Stimulates Hormones And Relieves Stress


Hormone yoga as a new branch in exercising is a complete program, special for women. This blend of classic yoga and Tibetan energy exercises stimulates ovaries, thyroid gland and adrenal gland meaning – the organs that produce hormones.

Stimulating these glands increases the secretion of hormones they produce.

The results of a study conducted by the Brazilian university in Sao Paulo shows that after 4 months of practicing hormone yoga, ovarian productivity increases by 75 %, while estrogen level rise up to 254 %.

Higher level of hormones makes women feel younger and more stable. In addition to this, the physical appearance is more fresh because hormone yoga enhances collagen production that makes skin smooth and tight.

The new trend in exercising was launched by Dinah Rodrigues from Brazil, yoga therapist, psychologist and author of “Hormone yoga”. At the age of 80, she has the vitality of a young woman.

“I exercise every morning for half an hour. It gives me energy and keeps me young,” says Dina Rodrigues.

It is recommended to start doing hormone yoga in the middle of the thirties, because it also helps in premenstrual syndrome and menstrual pain.

Meanwhile, doctors and gynecologists started recommending hormone yoga, as a way to reduce menopause symptoms, including: heat waves and disturbed sleep. But hormone yoga is also beneficial for women who have already undergone menopause since hormone yoga reduces the side-effects of aging, such as lower body mobility and loss of sex drive.

Women who are already doing yoga claim to have better health and circulation. They are calm and have good nerves. Older women have youthful energy, appearance and elasticity.