Health Care Above All
Health Care Above All

Here is How To Relieve And Cure Sinus Infection Naturally


Food rich in antioxidants helps to improve the immune system and prevent the infections at the very beginning. Try to eat more blueberries, cherries, artichoke, cranberries and pomegranates.

Echinacea provides excellent results in relieving common cold. It boosts the immune system, and can be used as a tincture or a pill. Once you notice the symptoms, increase the dosing, and reduce it after three days. Echinacea should not be used if you are allergic to ambrosia.


Vitamin C and zinc relieve the symptoms of cold and shorten its duration. Sinus infection often appears as a result of long-lasting cold.

Hot shower can really help you treat sinus infections. While showering, let hot water run over your nose and forehead, then discharge the secretion from the sinuses. Repeat this procedure several times a day, but be careful not to burn the skin on your face.

Potassium supplements dry the mucus, and by rinsing the sinuses you can protect the health of the nasal passages, protecting them from the pollution, pollen, dust and other irritating materia in the air. All you need is non-ionizing salt, preferably sea salt. Do not forget to drink 8-10 glasses of water every day.